What Advice Would You Give to New Content Creators?
Diving into the world of content creation can be overwhelming, so we've gathered five pieces of sage advice from seasoned creators, including Founders and Heads of Content. From the importance of embracing failure and experimentation to the wisdom of focusing on content rather than gear, these insights aim to guide new creators on their journey. Here's what these experienced professionals suggest for those just starting out.
- Embrace Failure and Experiment
- Prioritize Value Over Volume
- Practice Regularly and Showcase Passion
- Focus on Content, Not Gear
- Consistency Beats Perfection
Embrace Failure and Experiment
Treat content creation like a science experiment—embrace failure, test wildly, and never stop experimenting. When you start out, it's tempting to focus on getting everything perfect: the perfect video setup, the perfect Instagram grid, or the perfect blog post. But perfectionism can paralyze creativity. Instead, approach your content creation like a scientist in a lab—test new ideas, formats, and styles without fear of getting it wrong.

Prioritize Value Over Volume
When starting in content creation, prioritize value over volume. Many creators mistakenly produce high quantities of mediocre content, hoping to drive views and sales. This can lead to burnout and disengagement. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that genuinely helps, educates, or entertains your audience. Building a solid reputation through valuable content will foster loyalty and set you apart in a saturated market.

Practice Regularly and Showcase Passion
My top tip is to practice what you preach. When I'm hiring for junior content positions, I'm looking for people who create content regularly for themselves.
It could be a blog hosted on WordPress or your own YouTube channel. The subject doesn't matter as long as you're passionate about it. Having somewhere to point people makes a useful portfolio and shows a real dedication to the craft.
Practice makes perfect, so don't wait until you get a paid gig to start. Set off doing it for yourself, and you'll find that people are naturally attracted to your enthusiasm.

Focus on Content, Not Gear
Don't be caught up with the gear you use. You can use a million dollar camera and still won't be able to get views. The gear doesn't matter, it is what you do with it. Content is king. Focus on making your scripts and ideas better and more engaging. Then use the right camera gear to suit the content, not the other way around. When you are ready, rent first. Camera tech is always evolving and don't be caught up with gear. Learn the core film making techniques first.

Consistency Beats Perfection
I've got my Osborne Digital Marketing YouTube (68k subs) and my Ronald Osborne YT (4k subs), and I can say I focus on consistency over perfection. When you're just starting out, it's easy to get caught up in making everything flawless, but the key is to show up regularly and deliver value. Over time, your content will improve, and your audience will grow, but only if you stay consistent.